Darlene Shaw | Psychology Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4646 | 404-225-4646 | dshaw@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Marcus Stanford | HVAC Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 5062 | 404-225-5062 | mstanford@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2206A |
Mary Howard | Mathematics Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4585 | 404-225-4585 | mhoward@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Roderick Jackson | Speech Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4557 | 404-225-4557 | rjackson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Ronald Laws | Department Chair | Arts and Sciences | 4628 | 404-225-4862 | rlaws@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Adrianne Brooks | Early Headstart Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | No number | No number | abrooks@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Adrianne Clark | HIMT Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4413 | 404-225-4413 | aclark@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Ahmad Flournoy | Mathematics Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4510 | 404-225-4510 | aflournoy@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Aide Flores | Customer Service Operator | Enrollment Services | 4403 | 404-225-4403 | aflores@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Albert Taylor, Jr. | Student Success Advisor | Student Engagement | 4472 | 404-225-4472 | ataylor1@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Aletta Spence | HIMT Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4465 | 404-225-4465 | aspence@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Alexis Miller-Solomon | COVID Coordinator | Human Resources | 4611 | 404-225-4611 | asolomon@atlantatech.edu | | |
Alexis Robinson | Data Manager | Adult Education | 4089 | 404-225-4089 | arobinson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2 |
Amanda Abernathy | Director of Financial Aid | Financial Aid | 4121 | 404-225-4121 | abernathy@atlantatech.edu | Building B | 166 |
Amanda Daniels | Pharmacy Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4559 | 404-225-4559 | adaniels@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Amelia Adams | Police Officer (Investigations) | Campus Police and Security | 4012 | 404-225-4012 | aadams@atlantatech.edu | Building J | |
Angela Marshall | Resource & Sustainability Coordinator (Reports to L. Wise) | Grants/Institutional Effectiveness & Learning | 4320 | 404-225-4320 | anmarshall@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109M |
Anissa Ferrell | High School Initiatives Coordinator | Enrollment Services | 4123 | 404-225-4123 | aferrell@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Annetti Anderson | Instructional Coordinator | Adult Education | 4437 | 404-225-4437 | ananderson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Araceli Flores | Testing Center Manager | Economic Development | 4525 | 404-225-4525 | aflores1@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Arianus Johnson | Aviation Maintenance Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4131 | 404-225-4131 | ajohnson@atlantatech.edu | Building A | A1001 |
Arnold Butler | Sociology Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4120 | 404-225-4120 | abutler@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Arthur Mickelbury | Carpentry Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4516 | 404-225-4516 | amickelbury@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2330 |
Ashley McCoy | Marketing Management Instructor | Marketing | 4445 | 404-225-4445 | amccoy@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110N |
Audrena Howell | Administrative Assistant | Academic and Student Affairs | 4554 | 404-225-4554 | ahowell@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1109F |
Barbara Paige | Administrative Assistant | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4505 | 404-225-4505 | bpaige@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Barry Bates | Bioscience Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4583 | 404-225-4583 | bbates@atlantatech.edu | Building D | D2008 |
Bennithea Thomas | Sign Language Interpreter Part-time (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | no number | Email Only | bthomas@atlantatech.edu | No office | No Office |
Bernita Banks | Veterans Services Coordinator (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | 4022 | 404-225-4022 | bbanks@atlantatech.edu | Building D | 1101 |
Beverly Jackson | Student Success Advisor | Student Engagement | 4438 | 404-225-4438 | bjackson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Bobby Sutton | Business Technology Instructor | Business Technologies | 4549 | 404-225-4549 | bsutton@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110M |
Brandi Jackson | EMT Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4671 | 404-225-4671 | brjackson@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Brenda Hollingsworth | Administrative Assistant | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4556 | 404-225-4556 | bhollingsworth@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Brian Bowers | Director of Early Learning Center | Business and Public Services Technologies | 4024 | 404-225-4024 | bbowers@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Brian Ford | Automotive Technology Dept. Chair | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4424 | 404-225-4424 | bford@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2324 |
Bridget Yallery | Culinary Arts Instructor | Culinary Arts | 4475 | 404-225-4475 | byallery@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110E |
Britt Pitre | Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | 4439 | 404-225-4439 | bpitre@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109L |
Bryce Herron | Cosmetology Instructor | Cosmetology | 4591 | 404-225-4591 | bherron@atlantatech.edu | | |
Calvin Page | Mathematics Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4757 | 404-225-4757 | cpage@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Camille Houston | Administrative Assistant III | Administrative Services | 4701 | 404-225-4701 | chouston@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Caroline Angelo | Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs | Academic and Student Affairs | 4545 | 404-225-4545 | cangelo@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1109H |
Cartrelle Clayton | Dental Assisting Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4412 | 404-225-4412 | cclayton@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Cathy Bailey | Driver’s Education Coordinator/Instructor | Continuing Education | 4084 | 404-225-4084 | cbailey@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Cedric Haney | HVAC Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4512 | 404-225-4512 | chaney@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2202A |
Cedrix Burks | Police Officer (Operations) | Campus Police and Security | 4730 | 404-225-4730 | cburks@atlantatech.edu | Building J | |
Chandra Duncan-Scott | Program Assistant | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4766 | 404-225-4766 | cduncan-scott@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Charles Ghant | IT Service Manager | Information Technology | 4630 | 404-225-4630 | cghant@atlantatech.edu | Building G | IT Office |
Cherisse Howell | Adjunct Patient Care Technician Instructor | Customized Contract Tracing | | | chowell@atlantatech.edu | | |
Christine Durham | Enrollment Assistant | Enrollment Services | 4459 | 404-225-4459 | cdurham@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Christopher Colvin | English Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4562 | 404-225-4562 | ccolvin@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Christopher Thames | Website Coordinator | Information Technology | 4631 | 404-225-4631 | cthames@atlantatech.edu | Building G | IT Office |
Clarence Willis | Aviation Maintenance Program Coordinator | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4497 | 404-225-4497 | cwillis@atlantatech.edu | Building A | A1001 |
Corbett Davis | EMT, Fire, Paramedicine Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4699 | 404-225-4699 | codavis@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Cordelia Riley | Circulation Librarian (Reports to T. Bussey) | Office of Student Services | 4506 | 404-225-4506 | criley@atlantatech.edu | Building G | 1112 |
Cosell Locklin | Auto Collision Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4609 | 404-225-4609 | clocklin@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2314 |
Courtenay McClain | Student Success Manager | Student Engagement | 4551 | 404-225-4551 | cmcclain@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Crystal Miller | Medical Assisting Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4668 | 404-225-4668 | cmiller@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Curtis Halton | Continuing Education Director | Continuing Education | 4491 | 404-225-4491 | chalton@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Cyrell Strozier | Forklift Instructor | Continuing Education | | | cstrozier@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Dan Brown | Barbering and Cosmetology Department Chair | Barbering and Cosmetology | 4642 | 404-225-4642 | dbrown@atlantatech.edu | Building D/C | D1101 |
Danielle Garner | Allied Health Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4509 | 404-225-4509 | dgarner@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Danielle Green | Program Assistant/Accounting Instructor | Business and Public Services Technologies | 4530 | 404-225-4530 | dgreen@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2137 |
Danielle Hibbert | Radiology Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4567 | 404-225-4567 | dhibbert@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Darren McCall | Shipping & Receiving Tech | Facilities | 4746 | 404-225-4746 | dmccall@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Darren McCall | Forklift Instructor | Continuing Education | 4746 | 404-225-4746 | dmccall@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Delissa Hightower | Library Assistant (Reports to T. Bussey) | Office of Student Services | 4598 | 404-225-4598 | dhightower@atlantatech.edu | Building G | 1112 |
Dennis Luck | Maintenance Technician | Facilities | 4021 | 404-225-4021 | dluck@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Derek Smith | Retention Coordinator | Student Engagement | 4028 | 404-225-4028 | dsmith2@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2242 |
Dessie Hall | Director of Student Actitivites (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | 4588 | 404-225-4588 | dhall@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2236 |
Destiny Kilgore | Marketing Specialist | President's Office | 4319 | 404-225-4319 | dkilgore@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Detavia Baccus | Assistant Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | No number | No number | dbaccus@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Dexter Aaron | Maintenance Technician | Facilities | 4021 | 404-225-4021 | daaron@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Diann Varner | Administrative Assistant to the President | President's Office | 4601 | 404-225-4601 | dvarner@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Dolores Elfe | American Heart Association Training Center Coordinator | Continuing Education | 4406 | 404-225-4406 | delfe@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Dominique Davis | Per-K Lead Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | No number | No number | dodavis@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Dorna Werdelin | V.P. Communications, Marketing & Public Relations | President's Office | 4640 | 404-225-4640 | dwerdelin@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Dr. Emily Norris | Physical Therapy Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4401 | 404-225-4401 | enorris@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Dr. Ian Toppin | Dean of Industrial and Transportation Technologies | Industrial and Transportation Technologies | 4502 | 404-225-4502 | itoppin@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2138 |
Dr. Katrina Hunter | V.P. Student Engagement/Center for Workforce Innovation | Student Engagement | 4415 | 404-225-4415 | khunter@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Dr. Katrina Walker | Dean of Health and Public Safety Technologies | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4420 | 404-225-4420 | kwalker@atlantatech.edu | Building H | H100C |
Dr. Katrina Walker | Nursing Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4420 | 404-225-4420 | kwalker@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Dr. Lewis Burke, Jr. | Executive Director Economic Development | Customized Contract Tracing | 4482 | 404-225-4482 | lburke@atlantatech.edu | Building B | B222 |
Dr. McDonald Ammazi | CIS Instructor | Computer Information Systems | 4673 | 404-225-4673 | ammazi@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2213 |
Dr. Monique Brown | Dean of Adult Education | Adult Education | 4593 | 404-225-4593 | mbrown@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Dr. Natoshia Anderson | Facilities Director | Facilities | 4750 | 404-225-4750 | nanderson@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Dr. Peter Ukuku Ejindu | CIS Department Chair | Computer Information Systems | 4538 | 404-225-4538 | pejindu@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2310A |
Dr. Sheriase Kwakye | Bioscience Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4087 | 404-225-4087 | skwakye@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Dr. Sonya McCoy-Wilson | Associate Vice President of Learning | Arts and Sciences | 4672 | 404-225-4672 | smccoy-wilson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2107A |
Dr. Tamey Howard-Feltner | Physical Therapy Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4573 | 404-225-4573 | thoward-feltner@atlantatech.eu | Building H | |
Dreem Penn | Drafting/ CAD Lead Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4520 | 404-225-4520 | dpenn@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2211 |
Ebonie T. Brooks | Early Learning Center Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | No number | No number | ebrooks@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Eldridge McMillian | Instructional | | | | emcmillan@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2 |
Eleanor Phabian-Millbrook | Financial Aid Technician | Financial Aid | 4744 | 404-225-4744 | financialaid@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Eljeanita Thompson | Student Success Advisor | Student Engagement | 4742 | 404-225-4742 | ethompson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1113F |
Emily Myanna | Student Success Advisor | Student Engagement | 5067 | 404-225-5067 | emyanna@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Emmie Robinson | Financial Aid Manager | Financial Aid | 4717 | 404-225-4717 | erobinson@atlantatech.edu | Building B | B163 |
Erskine Hawkins | Accounting & Business Technology Department Chair | Accounting & Business Technologies | 4553 | 404-225-4553 | ehawkins@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110T |
George Ofosu-Anim | Math Instructor | Adult Education | 4414 | 404-225-4414 | gogosu-anim@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2 |
Georgina Dumay | Director of Human Resources | Human Resources | 4612 | 404-225-4612 | gdumay@atlantatech.edu | | |
Geraldine Anderson | Administrative Assistant | Continuing Education | 4487 | 404-225-4487 | ganderson@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Gloria Chapman | (NCIC/GCIC Dispatch) | Campus Police and Security | 4730 | 404-225-4730/678-471-3439 | gchapman@atlantatech.edu | Building J | |
Harold Walters | EMT Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4689 | 404-225-4689 | hwalters@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Hector Celis | Carpentry Dept. Chair | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4621 | 404-225-4621 | hcelis@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2239 |
Holly Sanders | Director of Instructional Design & Instruction (Reports to B. Pitre) | Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | 4524 | 404-225-4524 | hsanders@atlantatech.edu | Building G | 1107 |
Ian Toppin | Dean, Industrial and Transportation Technologies | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4502 | 404-225-4502 | itoppin@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Iris Davidson | English Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 5056 | 404-225-5056 | idavidson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Jada Benton | Customer Service Operator | Enrollment Services | 4134 | 404-225-4134 | jbenton@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
James Griffin | Student Success Advisor | Student Engagement | 4494 | 404-225-4494 | jgriffin@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
James Jones | Marketing Management Instructor | Marketing | 4535 | 404-225-4535 | jjones@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110P |
Jaramah Dudley | Enrollment Counselor | Enrollment Services | 4132 | 404-225-4132 | jdudley@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Jay Pilcher | Welding Lead Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4518 | 404-225-4518 | jpilcher@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2201 |
Jeanette Miller | Business Technology Instructor | Business Technology | 4548 | 404-225-4548 | jmiller@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110L |
Jefferson Solo | Commercial Truck Driving Program Coordinator | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4754 | 404-225-4754 | jsolo@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Jeffrey Smith | IT Director | Information Technology | 4634 | 404-225-4634 | jsmith@atlantatech.edu | Building G | G0104A |
Jerry McRae | Librarian Part-time (Reports to T. Bussey) | Office of Student Services | 4595 | 404-225-4595 | jmcrae@atlantatech.edu | Building G | 1112 |
Jevon Phillip-Christopher | Technical Support Technician | Information Technology | 4641 | 404-225-4641 | jphillip-christopher@atlantatech.edu | Building G | IT Office |
Jim Gale | Early Childhood Care and Education Instructor | Early Childhood Care and Education | 4440 | 404-225-4440 | jgale@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1109E |
John Dreher | International Students Specialist (Reports to N. Eady) | Enrollment Services | 4625 | 404-225-4625 | jdreher@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1210 |
Johnnie Crews | Interim Director of Student Accounts | Student Accounts | 4709 | 404-225-4709 | jcrews@atlantatech.edu | Building B | B184 |
Joni Williams, Ph. D. | Special Assistant to the President | President's Office | 4602 | 404-225-4602 | jwilliam@atlantatech.edu | Building B | B240 |
Joseph Little | Auto Collision Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4007 | 404-225-4007 | jlittle@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2314 |
Joyceline Pannell | Testing Center Proctor | Economic Development | No number | No number | jpannell@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Juan Alcantara | Maintenance Technician | Facilities | 4021 | | jalcantara@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Judith Jones | Medical Assisting Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4574 | 404-225-4574 | jjones2@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Juli Gilyard | High School Initiatives Coordinator | Enrollment Services | 4427 | 404-225-4427 | jgilyard@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Kamilah McWhorter | IT Administrative Assistant | Information Technology | 4305 | 404-225-4305 | kmcwhorter@atlantatech.edu | Building G | G0104 |
Kara Lee | Coordinator Online Programs/Blackboard (Reports to H. Sanders) | Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | 4023 | 404-225-4023 | klee@atlantatech.edu | Building G | 1108A |
Karen Roman | Student Affairs Specialist (Reports to D. Hall) | Office of Student Services | 4467 | 404-225-4467 | kroman@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2236 |
Karen Shacham | Chair, DMPT | DMPT | 4552 | 404-225-4552 | Kshacham@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110V |
Kathy Griffin | Department Chair | Arts and Sciences | 4526 | 404-225-4526 | kgriff22@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Katie D'Entremont | First Year Experience Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4599 | 404-225-4599 | kd’entremont@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Keisha Hudson | Department Chair Para Legal Studies | Para Legal Studies | 4534 | 404-225-4534 | kudson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2236 |
Kemba Martin | Dental Hygiene Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 5058 | 404-225-5058 | kemartin@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Kendall Woods | Administrative Assistant | Facilities | 4743 | 404-225-4743 | kwoods@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Kendra Jackson-Smith | Nursing Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4765 | 404-225-4765 | kjacksonsmith@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Kenneth Hardwick | Asset/Fleet Specialist | Facilities | 4796 | 404-225-4796 | khardwick@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Kimberly Crews | Department Chair | Arts and Sciences | 5055 | 404-225-5055 | kcrews@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Kymberly Savage | Resource Accommodation Specialist (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | 4441 | 404-225-4441 | ksavage@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109A |
La Keisha Walker | Administrative Assistant II (Reports to B. Pitre) | Inst. Eff. & Learning/Students Services | 4463 | 404-225-4463 | lwalker@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109G |
La Keisha Walker | Administrative Assistant II (Reports to B. Pitre & M. Goss) | Inst. Eff. & Learning/Students Services | 4463 | 404-225-4463 | lwalker@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109G |
LaKizzy Green | Dental Assisting Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4560 | 404-225-4560 | lgreen@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Lance Wise | Director of Grants Management (Reports to B. Pitre) | Grants/Institutional Effectiveness & Learning | 4082 | 404-225-4082 | lwise@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109K |
LaTanya Cullers | Bioscience Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4647 | 404-225-4657 | lcullers@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Leonard Small | Aviation Maintenance Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4694 | 404-225-4694 | lsmall@atlantatech.edu | Building A | A1012A |
Lisa Bynum | Enrollment Assistant | Enrollment Services | 4458 | 404-225-4458 | lbynum@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Lois Hunter | HIMT Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4411 | 404-225-4411 | lhunter@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Lynrita Farmer | Administrtive Assistant PAC | Economic Development | 4764 | 404-225-4764 | lfarmer@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Marecia Murray | Café Manager | All Star Café | 4428 | 404-225-4428 | catering@atlantatech.edu | Building C | All Star Cafe' |
Maria Boniface | Custodial Supervisor | Facilities | 4624 | 404-225-4624 | mboniface@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Mario White | Employer Relations Manager/CWI | Student Engagement | 4130 | 404-225-4130 | mawhite@atlantatech.edu | | |
Marisha Singleton | Dental Hygiene Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4495 | 404-225-4495 | msingleton@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Marva White | Human Resources Generalist | Human Resources | 4613 | 404-225-4613 | mwhite@atlantatech.edu | | |
Mary Jackson | Administrative Assistant | President's Office | 4603 | 404-225-4603 | mjackson@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Mattie Goss | Dean of Students | Academic & Student Affairs/Office of Student Services | 4405 | 404-225-4005 | mgoss@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109G |
Maxine Williamson | Achievement Facilitator | JCSP | 5052 | 404-225-5052 | mwilliamson@atlantatech.edu | | |
Melanie Sewell | V.P. of Administrative Services | President's Office | 4706 | 404-225-4706 | msewell@atlantatech.edu | Building B | 154 |
Melbourne Isaac | Institutional Effectiveness Specialist (Report to B. Pitre) | Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | 4479 | 404-225-4479 | misaac@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1109i |
Metara Austin-Leslie, Ph.D. | Director of Student Success / Special Iniatives | Student Engagement | 4080 | 404-225-4080 | ametara@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2126 |
Michael Stoneberg | English Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4597 | 404-225-4597 | mstoneberg@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Michelle Jackson | Transition/Career Services | Adult Education | 5050 | 404-225-5050 | mjackson1@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2116B |
Michelle Pinnock | Accounting Manager | Accounting | 4442 | 404-225-4442 | mpinnock@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Michelle Roach | Business Management & Marketing Management Department Chair | Business Management and Marketing | 4563 | 404-225-4563 | mroach@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C110I |
Michelle Taylor | Director of Accounting | Accounting | 4729 | 404-225-4729 | mtaylor@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Mike Nwokocha | Avionics Lead Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4697 | 404-225-4697 | mnwokocha@atlantatech.edu | Building A | A1001 |
Mr. Andre Gima | CIS Instructor | Computer Information Systems | 4540 | 404-225-4540 | agima@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Mr. Britt Pitre | Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | Institutional Effectiveness and Learning | 4439 | 404-225-4439 | bpitre@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1109B |
Mr. Kalu Anya | CIS Instructor | Computer Information Systems | 4133 | 404-225-4133 | KAnya@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2315 |
Mr. Robert Leach | Dean for Business and Public Services Technologies | Business and Public Services Technologies | 4541 | 404-225-4541 | rleach@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Mr. Robert Leach | Dean for Business and Public Services Technologies | Business and Public Services Technologies | 4541 | 404-225-4541 | rleach@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2137 |
Mr. Timi Apreala | CIS Instructor | Computer Information Systems | 4517 | 404-225-4517 | Tapreala@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Ms. Bennetta Patterson | CIS Instructor | Computer Information Systems | 4561 | 404-225-4561 | BPatterson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2139 |
Ms. LaTonya Lewis | CIS Instructor | Computer Information Systems | 4521 | 404-225-4521 | LLewis49@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2137B |
Ms. Mattie Goss | Dean of Students | Office of Student Services | 4005 | 404-225-4005 | mgoss@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1111A |
Ms. Niya Eady | Dean of Enrollment Services | Enrollment Services | 4452 | 404-225-4452 | neady@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1109N |
Nan Walker | Early Childhood Care and Education Instructor | Early Childhood Care and Education | 4633 | 404-225-4633 | nwalker@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1109F |
Natalie Lawson | Training Specialist | Continuing Education | | | nlawson@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Nichole Dinkins | Accounts Payable Accountant | Accounting | 4708 | 404-225-4708 | ndinkins@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Niya Eady | Dean, Enrollment Services | Enrollment Services | 4452 | 404-225-4452 | neady@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 1113A |
Norman Johnson | HVAC Dept. Chair | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4513 | 404-225-4513 | njohnson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2207D |
Nytavia Wallace | Radiology Chairperson | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4432 | 404-225-4432 | nwallace@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Patsy Slaton | Early Headstart Coordinator | Business and Public Services Technologies | 4029 | 404-225-4029 | pslaton@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Peggy Williams | First Year Experience Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4490 | 404-225-4490 | pwilliams@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Quby Brinkley | Cosmetology Instructor | Cosmetology | 4589 | 404-225-4589 | qbrinkley@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110B |
Quentin Glass | Nursing Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4451 | 404-225-4451 | qglass@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Quentin Houston | Technical Support Specialist | Information Technology | 4564 | 404-225-4564 | qhouston@atlantatech.edu | Building G | IT Office |
Raquel Selman | Enrollment Counselor | Enrollment Services | 4410 | 404-225-4410 | rcarter3@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Retha Allen | Nursing Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4529 | 404-225-4529 | reallen@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Ricky Neal | Technical Support Technician | Information Technology | 4682 | 404-225-4682 | rneal@atlantatech.edu | Building G | IT Office |
Ricky White | Driver’s Education Instructor | Continuing Education | | | rwhite@atlantatech.edu | Building F | |
Rita Drake | Business Management Instructor | Business Management | 4550 | 404-225-4550 | rdrake@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C11100 |
Ruben Williams | Auto Diesel Lead Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4489 | 404-225-4489 | rwilliams@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2324 |
Safiyyah Mack | Criminal Justice Department Chair | Criminal Justice | 4577 | 404-225-4557 | samack@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C2236 |
Sallie Watson | Enrollment Assistant | Enrollment Services | 4457 | 404-225-4457 | swatson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Senica Dukes | Early Headstart Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | 4618 | 404-225-4618 | sdukes@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Shannon Georgecink | Vice President | Instiutional Advancement | 4447 | 404-225-4447 | sgeorgecink@atlantatech.edu | | |
Sharron McIntyre | Early Childhood Care and Education Department Chair | Early Childhood Care and Education | 4580 | 404-225-4580 | smcintyre@atlantatech.edu | | |
Sheba Stepps | Electrical Technology Lead Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4006 | 404-225-4006 | sstepps@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2317 |
Shelia Compton | Early Learning Center Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | No number | No number | scompton@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Sheliah Tate | Barbering Instructor | Barbering | 5066 | 404-225-5066 | state@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110Q |
Sherita Edmonds | Assistant Director of Financial Aid | Financial Aid | 4714 | 404-225-4714 | shedmonds@atlantatech.edu | Building B | 168 |
Sherry Johnson | Administrative Assistant | Adult Education | 5065 | 404-225-5065 | shjohnson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2116B |
Shirley Miller | Student Support Assistant Part-time (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | 4460 | 404-225-4460 | smiller@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Shirley Miller | Student Support Assistant Part-time (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | 4460 | 404-225-4460 | smiller@atlantatech.edu | Building C (outside of room C1109A) | No office number |
Shonda Tyson | Purchasing Technician | Purchasing | 4712 | 404-225-4712 | styson@atlantatech.edu | Building B | B156 |
Sonya McCoy-Wilson | Dean | Arts and Sciences | 4672 | 404-225-4672 | smccoy-wilson@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Staphea Campbell | Director of Institutional Advancement | Instiutional Advancement | 4422 | 404-225-4422 | scampbell@atlantatech.edu | | |
Sylvell Mansfield | Director of Purchasing | Purchasing | 4666 | 404-225-4666 | smansfield@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Tameika Frazier | Accounting Instructor | Accounting | 4539 | 404-225-4539 | tfrazier@atlantatech.edu | | |
Tamica Hill | Administrative Assistant | Instiutional Advancement | tbd | | tbd | | |
Tamika Jackson | Administrative Assistant | Campus Police and Security | 4020 | 404-225-4020 | tjackson@atlantatech.edu | Building J | |
Tareva Gates | Student Accounts Manager | Student Accounts | 4127 | 404-225-4127 | tgates@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Teresa Bradley | Pharmacy Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4643 | 404-225-4643 | tbradley@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Theartis Thomas | Automotive Tech Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4388 | 404-225-4388 | ththomas@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2324 |
Thomas Chapman | Cosmetology Instructor | Cosmetology | 4587 | 404-225-4587 | tchapman@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110A |
Thomas Peoples | Student Success Advisor | Student Engagement | 4555 | 404-225-4555 | tpeoples@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Tia Adams (No longer at ATC) | Achievement Facilitator | JCSP | 4449 | 404-225-4449 | tadams@atlantatech.edu | | |
Tieaka Blocker | Culinary Arts Instructor | Culinary Arts | 4575 | 404-225-4575 | tblocker@atlantatech.edu | Building C | C1110F |
Tony McDaniels | Digital Marketing Strategist | President's Office | | | tmcdaniels@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Tony McDaniels | Digital Marketing Strategist | President's Office | | | tmcdaniels@atlantatech.edu | | |
Torekia Kemp | Dental Hygiene Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4582 | 404-225-4582 | tkemp@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Torey Mosley | Police Officer (Training) | Campus Police and Security | 4019 | 404-225-4019/770-851-9217 | tomosley@atlantatech.edu | Building J | |
Tosha Bussey | Director of Library Services (Reports to M. Goss) | Office of Student Services | 4596 | 404-225-4596 | tbussey@atlantatech.edu | Building G | 1112A |
Twyla Locklear | Assistant Chief/Captain | Campus Police and Security | 4017 | 404-225-4017 | tlocklear@atlantatech.edu | Building J | |
Vacant | Administrative Assistant | Arts and Sciences | | | | Building C | |
Valerie Steele-Hancock | English Instructor | Arts and Sciences | 4578 | 404-225-4578 | vshancock@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Vanity Hunter | High School Transition Specialist | Enrollment Services | 4128 | 404-225-4128 | vhunter@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Velva Lewis-Dixon | Student Success Assistant | Student Engagement | 4461 | 404-225-4417 | vlewis@atlantatech.edu | Building C | |
Victoria Seals, Ed. D. | President | President's Office | 4600 | 404-225-4600 | vseals@atlantatech.edu | Building B | B242 |
Von Gatewood | Logistics and Supply Chain Dept. Chair | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4675 | 404-225-4675 | vgatewood@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2207B |
Walter Young | Plumbing Lead Instructor | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4528 | 404-225-4528 | wyoung@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2204 |
Wensheng Xu | Industrial Engineering/ Systems Tech Dept. Chair | Industrial & Transportation Technologies | 4026 | 404-225-4026 | wxu@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2137 |
Wienelmine Estime-Joiner | Nursing Instructor | Health and Public Safety Technologies | 4086 | 404-225-4086 | ewienelmine@atlantatech.edu | Building H | |
Winifred Walker | Early Headstart Teacher | Business and Public Services Technologies | No number | No number | wwalker@atlantatech.edu | Building E | |
Yulonda Beauford | V.P. Economic Development | Economic Development | 4488 | 404-225-4488 | ybeauford@atlantatech.edu | Building B | |
Zaron Gray | Maintenance Technician | Facilities | 4021 | 404-225-4021 | zgray@atlantatech.edu | Building G | |
Zina Matthew-Holmes | Adjunct | Adult Education | 4627 | 404-225-4627 | zmatthew-holmes@atlantatech.edu | Building C | 2113B |
Treva Dunlap | Financial Aid Specialist (Students Last Name A-L) | Financial Aid | 4748 | 404.225.4748 | A_LFinaidSpecialist@atlantatech.edu | Main | B180 A & B Dennard Building |
Lavettra Willis | Financial Aid Technician | Financial Aid | 4716 | 404.225.4716 | financialaid@atlantatech.edu | Main | B180 A & B Dennard Building |
Sherita Edmonds | Assistant Director of Financial Aid
| Financial Aid
| 4714
| 404-225-4714
| shedmonds@atlantatech.edu | Building B
| 168
Ameesha Adams | Front Desk Receptionist (D A P) | Dual Achievement | 4300 | 404-225-4300 | aadams2@atlantatech.edu | South Campus | ATC South Front Desk |
Omoniyi Awotunde | Asset/Fleet Specialist | Facilities/Operations | 4796 | 404-225-4796 | oawotunda@atlantatech.edu | | |
Jeffrey Bright | Adjunct Instructor - Metro Re-Entry | Adult Education | No Phone | | jebright@atlantatech.edu | | |
Anita Lee | Academic Success Advisor - ATC Re-Entry | Sponsored Programs / Grants | | | anlee@atlantatech.edu | Building C | Student Success Center |
| | | | | | | |