Federal Work-Study
Federal Work-Study Program
The Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) provides employment for Title IV eligible students who demonstrate financial need.
FWS gives students the opportunity to work in different environments. Federal Work-Study (FWS) provides part-time employment opportunities with flexible hours revolving around students’ class schedules. Students are limited to working 20 hours per week, allowing students to focus on their studies.

Federal Work-Study Process
Students interested in the work-study program must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the applicable academic year. Students who indicate on the FAFSA form that they are interested in the Work-Study program and who are eligible will automatically be awarded funds to participate.
Eligible students are awarded FWS funds up to the approved institutional allotment. The student’s cost attendance (COA) and remaining budget are also considered when awarding work-study funds. Students will need to accept the Federal Work-Study award via their BannerWeb account prior to accepting a work assignment.
Students who did not indicate on the FAFSA their interest in Federal Work-Study can complete Federal Work-Study Application to determine their eligibility.
*Positions are available on campus or in a community service position on a part-time basis.
*Students are paid no less than minimum wage and work up to 20 hours per week.
Students are awarded Federal Work-Study funding up to their Cost of Attendance. Funding is limited as prescribed by the U.S. Department of Education.
Federal Work-Study Program Job Descriptions
In order to be eligible for an FWS award, students must:
- Be an enrolled student in an eligible program of study.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by the Office of Financial Aid.
- Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
- Must have financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- The student’s financial aid file is complete and verified by the Office of Financial Aid.
- Received confirmation of an approved FWS award.
- Student must not be in default or owe a repayment to any federal aid program.
Request for Work-Study Employee
(Atlanta Technical College Supervisors ONLY!)
In need of student assistant? Atlanta Technical College departments interested in hiring work-study students must complete and submit the Request for a Work-Study Employee Form. Click the button below to fill out the form.
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Federal Grants
and Institutional Scholarships
Summer Pell Grant
Financial Aid Forms
Tuition and Fees
Veteran's Services
Federal Direct Loans
Satisfactory Academic Progress
State Aid
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Office of Financial Aid
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday 8am to 7pm
Friday - 8am to 2pm
Click here for FAQS
Contact Information
Phone: 404.225.4400
Fax: 404.225.4721
General Questions: financialaid@atlantatech.edu
Federal Work Study Questions: workstudyFA@atlantatech.edu
Federal Direct Loans: loans@atlantatech.edu
As set forth in its student catalog, Atlanta Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). For further information regarding these laws (Title VI and IX) contact Mattie Goss, Director of Student Services, Academic and Student Affairs Division, Atlanta Technical College, Academic Building, C1111B, 404.225.4446. Email: mgoss@atlantatech.edu. To request reasonable accommodations upon enrollment (Section 504/ADA), contact Mattie Goss, Director of Student Services, Atlanta Technical College, Academic, and Student Affairs Division, Academic Building, C1111B, 404.225.4446. Email: mgoss@atlantatech.edu. Faculty and staff with questions about equity or reasonable accommodations should contact Human Resources, Cleveland Dennard Building, suite B-180A, Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310. 404.225.4446. Email: mgoss@atlantatech.edu.