Welcome to the Student Helpdesk
Need help with your password or multi-factor authentication?
Helpdesk Contact
Contact us at the IT Helpdesk from
8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
Email: ATChelpdesk@atlantatech.edu
Phone: 404-225-4423
You can now change your password or unlock your account on your own through AD self-service.
Open to view the directions on how to enroll into the AD Service System Follow this link to reset your password by entering the AD Service System.
For additional support, please click the following link for Blackboard Technical Support Guide.
Email IT for additional assistance: atchelpdesk@atlantatech.edu
Important Password Information
The default password for newly admitted
students is Atc followed by the student’s six-digit birthday.
For example, the sample password would be Atc032002.
Resetting Your Password
You can reset your password by using the Self-Service portal.
Before you can utilize the portal,
there is a one-time registration in which an account will be created.
You will need to know your current password to register.
After registering you can reset anytime.
Still Having Trouble?
If you are still getting an authentication error and you feel the credentials are correct, do the following:
- Clear your web browsers cache completely.
- Close the web browser.
- Open the web browser and attempt to login again.
Instructions for how to clear the cache in various browsers are located in our FAQ section.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Okta Quick
Start Guide
What is the purpose of Okta?
Okta is a secure identity management tool that will allow you to access all your Atlanta Tech apps, logins, and devices in one place. Including, Banner, Blackboard, Microsoft 365, eCampus, and more. With Okta, you're up and running on day one, with every app and program you use for classes, instantly available. Whether you're on your desktop or on the go, Okta seamlessly connects you to everything you need.