Report a Concern
If this is an emergency that involves an imminent risk of harm to self or others, please contact campus police at (404) 225-4730 or dial 911.
Atlanta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, strives to maintain processes available to all staff and students that offer an open and meaningful forum for concerns. These processes are established to resolve difficulties or problems encountered in college-related activities. Submissions are taken seriously and therefore must be of a compelling, substantive, and verifiable nature. Atlanta Technical College desires to address all student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair, and amicable manner in order to maintain a civil, safe, quality academic environment for the college community.
Support Assistance
I am concerned for the safety or well-being of a student, faculty or staff member. Atlanta Tech’s Behavior Intervention Team is dedicated to the assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and well-being of the Atlanta Technical College community Read more about BIT here Submit Concern | I want to report a student who has violated the Student Code of Conduct. Atlanta Technical College students assume an obligation to act in a manner compatible with the fulfillment of the mission and establishment of the Student Code of Conduct. This form is for any student found to have committed academic and/or non-academic misconduct Read the policy in the Student Handbook Submit Concern |
I want to file a formal general student complaint. It is the policy of Atlanta Technical College to maintain a process available to all faculty, staff, and students that provides an open and meaningful forum for grievances, their resolution, and is subject to clear guidelines Read the policy in the Student Handbook Submit Complaint | I want to report Discrimination, Harassment Title IX, or Retaliation This form is to be used to provide preliminary information to the college to assist in resolving violations of the Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policies at Atlanta Technical College Read the policy in the Student Handbook Submit Complaint |
I want to file a Grade Appeal with the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. I have already appealed to my instructor and division dean. Read the policy in the Catalog here Submit Grade Appeal | Out-of-state online students Any complaints pertaining to an Atlanta Technical College online course or program should be filed with Atlanta Technical College in accordance with the College’s standard grievance procedure. Read the policy in the Read the policy in the Student Handbook Submit Submit Complaint Complaints needing further investigation beyond the college level may be submitted to TCSG using the Program Integrity Complaint Form . Before submitting to TCSG, students need to ensure they have followed the institution’s process. A student may appeal to the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC) if the institution’s and TCSG’s resolution is not satisfactory; however, please note that the Commission will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution. GNPEC does not resolve complaints about student grades and student conduct violations. These complaints fall under the jurisdiction of institutional policy. |